
No Dioxin Emitted

The anaerobic pyrolysis principle is adopted, and the refuse incineration is eliminated. The inside of pyrolysis furnace is a high temperature anaerobic environment. The stay time gas phase exceeds 5 seconds, and the outlet of gaseous product from high temperature pyrolysis will be quenched. The reaction condition for the generation of dioxin is avoided during whole process; it eliminates the dioxin in principle.

No Hazardous Waste Discharged

During the pyrolysis, the waste are relatively stationary to the stock bed, and are not under pressure, and do not roll as well. The gas inside the radiant tube is completely isolated with the furnace chamber, which avoids the problem that the conventional incineration produces the hazardous waste and flying ash.

Efficient Solidification Disposal of Heavy Metals

Since the heavy metal in the waste are always in a high temperature reductive environment in the process of treatment, the will not be discharged to the ambient atmosphere, and will finally be centralized in solid residue to be effectively disposed through solidification.

Odor Effectively Prevented

The wastes pretreatment system works in a negative pressure environment in a fully-closed plant. The odor from the wastes pit will be collected by the fan, and sent to the regenerative radiant tube where they will act as the combustion air for high temperature combustion. The odor collection device will be provided at any place that may reek the odor, and the odor will be effectively treated by biological de-odorising system, therefore, the reeking of waste order is avoided.

The emission indexes of acid gas and sewage go far beyond relevant standards, and the emitted fume after clean gas combustion meets the emission standard of natural gas boiler.

Obvious Reduction Effect

The ignition loss of final remainder inorganic residues lower than 1%

High Recycling efficiency

This commercial demonstration project can extract 9.5 million cubic meters of fuel gas (CV > 4500 kcal/Nm3), and 580 tons of fuel oil (CV > 5000 kcal/kg), it realizes the recourses effectively utility of wastes.

Waste incineration

Eliminating most contaminants in comparison with waste incineration.

Releases land for commercial / residential purpose.

This project uses the anaerobic pyrolysis method to treat the domestic refuses. This process is clean treatment process that is completely different from wastes incineration.

The pollutant emission does not follow the Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Wastes Incineration, but the more restricted Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Industrial Kiln and Furnace of Hebei province, and the high chimney is not required!

The new world’s 3rd wastes treatment technology of Shenwu completely subverts conventional wastes treatment mode.

Every waste treatment plant that adopts this technology in the future will be distributed energy station, which can not only treat local domestic wastes, but treat local organic solid wastes such as biomass, domestic sludge, waste tires and dead livestock. Livestock’s dejection and industrial hazardous waste changing them into clean fuel oil, fuel gas and solid carbon and with.

According to local needs, such products can be exported such as fuel oil, fuel gas, electricity, steam, heat, coolant etc.; therefore, it has good social and economic benefits.

This technology can completely solve “domestic wastes, biomass and other organic solid wastes in noxious treatment” problem at the global scale, and can quickly extended in the form of “distributed energy” due to the huge market demand, therefore, it has epoch-making significance.